Saturday, April 11, 2009

I will rejoice and be glad.

Happy Easter, ya'll!!

I'm excited to announce that after much sisterly prodding, pushing, and coercing on my humble part, my artist sister Natalie is finally almost ready to start stocking her shop! Almost is major progress, trust me.
These are a few pieces she'll be carrying initially:
This is my all-time favorite so far. He reminds me of my husband, Caleb...

So exciting!! I'll post her Etsy shop address very soon!
And in other exciting news, Necessity is the Mother is celebrating one year on Etsy!! Come visit the shop and take advantage of some of the cheap goodies... some of these prints make you itch for the promise of warmer weather!

1 comment:

  1. How exciting she's going to open up a shop! Her artwork is wonderful. :)

    So is that jumper.
